How to make a scratching board for cats

If you have a feline friend in your home, you probably know how much they love to scratch. While this may be natural behavior for cats, it can also cause damage to your furniture and carpets. One way to change their scratching behavior is to provide them with a scratching post. Not only does it save your furniture, it also provides a healthy outlet for your cat’s natural instincts. In this blog, we’ll guide you on how to make a scratching post for your beloved feline companion.

Wavy Cat Scratching Board

materials needed:
- Cardboard (preferably corrugated)
- Scissors
- Non-toxic glue
-Sisal rope or jute twine
- mark
- ruler
- Optional: upholstery fabric or carpet scraps

Step 1: Measure and cut cardboard
Start by measuring the cardboard and cutting it to your desired scraper size. A good rule of thumb is to make it slightly larger than your cat so they have enough room to stretch out and scratch comfortably. The standard size is approximately 18 x 24 inches, but you can adjust it to suit your cat’s size and needs.

Step 2: Wrap cardboard with sisal rope
Once you’ve cut the cardboard to the right size, you can wrap it with sisal rope. This will provide a durable and rough surface that cats will love to sink their claws into. Start by gluing one end of the sisal rope to the edge of the cardboard, then start wrapping it tightly around the cardboard. Add a small amount of glue every once in a while to make sure the string stays in place. Continue wrapping until the entire cardboard surface is covered, then secure the ends of the string with glue.

Step 3: Optional: Add decorative fabric or rug
If you want to add a decorative touch to your scraper, you can cover the edges with fabric or carpet scraps. Not only does this add visual appeal, it also provides additional texture for your cat. Simply cut the fabric or rug to match the dimensions of the board and glue along the edges to hold it in place.

Step 4: Let it dry
After wrapping the cardboard with sisal rope and adding any embellishments, allow the scraper to dry completely. This will ensure that the glue sets completely and that the board is safe for your cat to use.

Step Five: Introduce Scratching Posts to Your Cat
Now that your DIY scratching post is complete, it’s time to introduce it to your cat. Place the board in a location where your cat likes to scratch, such as near their favorite resting spot or near furniture they often target. You can also sprinkle catnip on the scratching post to encourage your cat to explore and use it.

It’s worth noting that some cats may need a little encouragement to use a scratching post at first. You can gently guide their paws to the surface and praise them when they start scratching. Additionally, if your cat already uses a specific piece of furniture for scratching, you can try placing a scratching post next to it to help guide their behavior.

Cat Scratching Board

Benefits of scrapers:
Providing your cat with a scratching post can provide many benefits to you and your feline companion. Here are a few reasons why cat scratching posts are a must-have for cat owners:

1. Protect Furniture: By providing your cat with designated scratching surfaces, you can protect your furniture, curtains, and carpets from becoming scratching spots for them.

2. Promote healthy behavior: Scratching is a natural behavior for cats that helps them stretch and condition their claws. Cat scratching posts provide a healthy outlet for this behavior and help keep your cat physically active.

3. Relieve stress: Scratching is also a way for cats to relieve stress and anxiety. Having a scraper allows them to release pent-up energy and frustration in a safe and constructive way.

4. Bonding: Introducing your cat to a new scratching post can be a bonding experience for both of you. Spending time playing and interacting with your cat on the scratching post can help strengthen your relationship and provide mental stimulation for your feline friend.

All in all, making a scratching post for your cat is a simple and rewarding DIY project that can make a huge difference for you and your cat. Not only does it protect your furniture, it promotes healthy behavior and provides a source of enrichment for your beloved feline companion. So gather your materials and get creative with this DIY project – your cat will thank you for it!

Post time: Feb-06-2024