Why does the female cat keep meowing?

Female cats are usually relatively quiet. They don’t even bother to talk to their owners except when they are cooking. Even if the owners just arrive home, they rarely come up to “greet” them. But even so, the female cats sometimes meow non-stop. Then some cat owners are curious, why is the female cat meowing all the time? How to relieve a female cat that keeps meowing? Next, let’s take a look at the reasons why female cats keep meowing.

female cat

1. Estrus

If an adult female cat keeps meowing all the time, it may be that she is in estrus, because during the estrus process, the female cat will continue to scream, cling to people, and even roll around. This is a normal physiological reaction. If a female cat does not mate with a male cat during estrus, the estrus period will last for about 20 days, and the number of estrus will become frequent. The female cat’s external reproductive organs will be congested, and she will be irritable and restless. If the owner does not want the female cat to breed offspring, it is recommended to take the female cat to a pet hospital for sterilization surgery as soon as possible to reduce the pain of the female cat during estrus and reduce the chance of suffering from reproductive system diseases.

2. Hungry

Female cats will also keep meowing when they feel hungry or thirsty. The meows at this time are usually more urgent, and they often meow at their owners where they can see them, especially in the morning and at night. Therefore, the owner can prepare a small amount of food and water for the cat before going to bed at night, so that it will eat by itself when it is hungry and will not keep barking.

3. Loneliness

If the owner rarely plays with the cat, the cat will feel bored and lonely. At this time, the cat may circle around the owner and bark non-stop, hoping to attract the owner’s attention through barking and let the owner accompany him. It plays. Therefore, owners should spend more time interacting and playing with their cats, and prepare more toys for their cats, which will also help to enhance the relationship with their cats.

4. Sick

If the above conditions are excluded, it is possible that the female cat is sick. At this time, the female cat will usually make a feeble cry and ask for help from its owner. If the owner finds that the cat is listless, has loss of appetite, has abnormal behavior, etc., he must send the cat to the pet hospital for examination and treatment in time.

Post time: Nov-23-2023