You must not let your pet cat “wander” for several reasons

We often see stray pet cats, and they generally live a miserable life. What the editor wants to say is that you must not let pet cats stray. There are several reasons. I hope you cherish them!

pet cat

Reasons why pet cats stray

1. Why do pet cats stray? The most direct reason is that they don’t like it anymore. Some pet owners are always enthusiastic about it for three minutes, and they happily take their pet cats home. After a while, their enthusiasm subsides, and they just abandon the pet cats if they don’t want to keep them anymore.

2. Cats are very curious and may yearn for the outside world, so they will have the desire to “escape”. Some pet owners do not seal the balconies or windows at home, so the cats can easily escape and not recognize them after they go out. The journey home leads to becoming a stray cat.

3. If a pet cat has bad habits, such as urinating at home, parkour at night, etc., and the pet owner cannot stand the cat’s shortcomings, he will give it away or abandon it directly.

4. Cats go into estrus more frequently in spring and autumn. When a cat meets its beloved cat, it may run away with the other person. This is one of the reasons why pet cats become stray cats.

Why can’t pet cats be allowed to stray?

1. Pet cats have been kept in captivity by humans at home, just like flowers in a greenhouse. They do not have any survival skills and do not even know how to catch prey. If they are allowed to wander outside, they may easily starve to death.

2. Most pet cats have poor physiques and are prone to illness. They have high requirements for the environment and require careful care from their owners in order to grow up healthily. Once they stray and live in a harsh environment, pet cats may become ill. If you are infected with various diseases and are not treated in time, you will eventually die.

3. Pet cats have always been pampered and do not need to compete for territory, food, etc., so they have no fighting skills or ruthlessness, and their fighting power is very weak. If they are allowed to wander, they will only be bullied by other animals, which is easy He was beaten to a bloody head.

4. Cats have a strong reproductive capacity. If they are not sterilized, once the pet cats become strays, the place will soon become “overcrowded with cats”, and there will be more and more stray cats.

In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages to raising a cat. After reading the following disadvantages of raising a cat, if you can accept them all, then take the cat home. Otherwise, it is better to adopt a cat, so as not to regret it later. Cat abandonment.

1. Different cats have different personalities. There may be cats that are docile and clingy, but there are also cats that are cold and irritable. Sometimes, even if you don’t want to pet the cat, the cat will lie down obediently and let you pet it. Not so obedient.

2. Many cat owners will have some scratches on their bodies. Yes, cats may scratch you when they play with you or lose their temper.

3. Except for hairless cats, most cats shed hair, and the hair loss is more serious. After raising a cat, the sofa, bed, and clothes at home may be covered with hair. If you are mysophobic, you need to think carefully.

However, in order to alleviate the cat’s hair loss, pet owners can comb their cats more often and maintain a light and nutritious diet. It is recommended to choose cat food with high meat content as the staple food.

Conclusion: Would you abandon a cat?

Post time: Dec-06-2023