Why do cats like to eat melon seeds? Can cats eat melon seeds? The answers are all

Cats always can’t help but want to stretch their paws when they see new things, including play, food and other various things. Some people find that when they eat melon seeds, cats will come up to them and even eat the melon seeds with their shells, which is quite worrying. So why do cats like to eat melon seeds? Can cats eat melon seeds? Is it harmful for cats to eat melon seeds? Let’s take a look below.

pet cat

Cats love to eat melon seeds, mainly because they are fried with salt and smell and taste delicious, so cats love to eat them. Cats can also eat melon seeds. Melon seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and trace elements, but owners need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Since the melon seeds on the market are generally fried with seasonings and have a high fat content, feeding too many melon seeds to cats will cause the cats to become obese and unable to metabolize the seasonings out of the body. Therefore, owners should Feed in moderation.

2. The head of the melon seed shell is sharp. If the melon seed shell is not removed, the cat will easily swallow and rupture the intestines if it is swallowed directly. Therefore, it is best for the owner to crush the melon seeds before feeding them to the cat.

3. Although melon seeds themselves have high nutritional value, cats’ digestive systems cannot completely digest melon seeds, so they can easily get angry and have difficulty defecating.

4. Cats have large gaps between their teeth and are not very good at chewing melon seeds. They generally choose to swallow them directly. In this case, the melon seeds may stick to the throat or become blocked in the esophagus or trachea, which may threaten the cat’s life. risk.

Post time: Jan-09-2024